Paul Steven Bailey - Oak underhill - 2019
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Hommage à mon arrière-grand père maternel
When I was a young man, I worked with a team
And me only delight was in keepin' 'em clean
With brushes and curries, I'd show their fine colour
And the name as they gave I was a hearty good fellow
As I do in the evening, I goes to my bed
The thought of my horses comes into my head
And I rise the next morning with something to eat
Just as soon as I can get my shoes on my feet
And as we go driving, out on the highway
When light goes their load why I feeds 'em some hay
And I gives 'em some water, when we comes to a pond
And after they've drunk boys move steadily on
My legs they do go weary, a walking by their side
And I says to myself you must get up and ride
And as we go riding, I make a new song
And as I do sing you must learn it along
When I was a young man, I worked with a team
And me only delight was in keepin' 'em clean
With brushes and curries, I'd show their fine colour
And the name as they gave I was a hearty good fellow
Rêve ça veut dire
aile de sommeil en cire
qui s'éprend du soleil et fond,
feuilles en équilibre admirable
qui paraissent posées sur les branches
alors qu'on voit bien
qu'il n'y a pas d'arbre,
c'est entendre chanter des oui par milliers
dans la gorge du non.
Coup de bec de l’oiseau-mère.
Cosmos brisé, voici le ciel, voici la terre
Et voici le temps.
Rêve, désir, méditation ?
Volonté ?
in Oniromancie
- Qu'est-ce que je fais dans cette société de merde ?
- la merde est un engrais : enfonce en elle tes propres graines.
in Le livre de la Genèse de poche
majestueux, austère, brut, dépouillé, implacable....